Thursday, September 23, 2010


myc notice board has change in style...XD...

isit nice...?feel free to comment...XD

my hair is long...gonna cut hair soon...dunno wan to cut like how le...

gathering soon...wat performances??? still figuring...PMR is coming...
nervous for those who r taking of luck...XD

Sunday, September 5, 2010


problems after problems...theres nothing i can do to solve it...maybe tis holiday is the best time for me to relax and think nothing bout it...let them solve in peace nicholas cheong~

Thursday, September 2, 2010


the day was going on normally 2day...UNTIL when i was going to have my lunch at 'siu wan dang' or direct translate small genting la...i saw her...actually it was my hope last time...i tot i will not have the chance to meet her since last time she started not to reply me anymore...i dunno whether she recognise me or not...but im sure that the 1 i saw is 100% sure...when i looked her in her eyes...i started to think back and acted emo-ly...had no appetite to eat...even tt oso no mood to pay attention...haihz... wheni tell my godsis bout tis... she told me that...if there is a time gud...??? i can get back to the time when she was still replying me and we were so close...i noe it wont happen la...but thinking bout it still makes me feel better...reli misses her...='(

And lastly, the 1 "she" is not girlfriend or complicated...haihz...SMARTIES...