Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy Birthday...

2day is lex's birthday...and i will wish her happy always lu...but i dun think she will be online for this week...coz exam is jz around the wishes...exam is also around the corner for me...monday will be exam...and now i'm just 30% ready...aikx...i think nowaday i will be emo without myself knowing it...==|||...even myself dunno why...maybe i'm thinking too much...LOVE LOVE LOVE...flying all over my mind...freaking me out...feeling lonely...somemore siew toong at skul always call me lonely boy...haiyo...

and for your present...i'm not sure what to buy a...tell me when u have decided...

Friday, May 7, 2010

meaningful quotes

some of it maybe not meaningful for u...but for me...all of tis are meaningful...XD...

Saturday, May 1, 2010


sometimes im kinda eager wanted to blog...but the matter is that...i dunno wat i wanna blog...-_-|||..exam is near and yet i am not getting the feel to study...wats wrong wit me...aikx...past thursday i was sicked...suffering from fever, headache and sore throat...until today my throat still so pain...even drink water feels pain...

sometimes i wonder y human have to be so sensitive towards a specific things (everyone got different). for me it would be...people lying to me or making fool of me...=\

sometimes LOVE is something that u cant wish or hope for...if there is faith n fate it will be yours...did you ask yourself bout this before? who loves you? who loves me?
                                                                      ~loN3ly N!cKyZ41~