Tuesday, October 26, 2010

EXAMS over!!!

YEAH YEAH!!!! exam finally over le...
feel so free...
but so lonely...
what i heard bout other peoples saying is that...
when u have free time,
u will think bout sad or something thats not worth happy for,
so is better for us to be in busy.L0L

still the same like last exam...
highest mark i think it will be on mod math..
most confident subject that i can score...
right now...
busying bout xmas gathering...
annual camp applying stuff...
next years special stuff...
wmsi fun day...
1 after another...
i think i have to time to sad alr...
jz have time to stress bout...

so wat u guys think bout tis logo for nex year...
jz the logo...
words are excluded...

then these few days i was learning to use a software...
a software to draw stuff...
quite complicated but fun to use...

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