Friday, January 14, 2011

2 weeks

jz 2 weeks of schooling...
and now im sick...
have been coughing the whole week...
then nose bleed these 3days...
dunno y...
in BB...
there will be lotsa activities throughout tis year...
so stay tuned...
some of it non-BB oso can join...
for example...
there will be a movie day at the indian cinema beside yik foong MAYBE...
or shud i say if it is not so expensive...
or maybe we will be doing it at WMSI hall...
but i think it will be not a gud place to watch a movie...

for now...
im tuition-ing at 4 places...
luckily din clash with others....
sri kota,triple a,ck tey and the tuition upstairs of kimbali...

i had jz pass my undang test...
and now im looking forward for motor license...
and after my birthday...
car license...
will be very soon...XD

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