Monday, March 21, 2011

more to come

finally the orientation camp had just over...
edwin and i planned to skipped skul on the first day of school reopening...
it is a very relaxing camp...
if it were to compare with BNTS, ANTS and Drill camp....
during the camp lots of things happen...
first night dinner was weird if people heard of it that we went out to a GP food court to have our dinner during a CAMP...
then on the last day...
for the breakfast in our camp...
we planned on roti canai for our campers...
so at midnight, few of us committee went out to mamak to order roti...
just before we order we spent some time to have our supper since it was not included in our camp...XD
THEN, it was the first time i see Mr. K to scold someone...

THIS friday there will be HIGH PRAISE at ELIM CHURCH...
the day after it was CLIMBATHON, an event organise by BB(Boys' Brigade)...
then on the next day of it...
A ceremony to officially clarify the new members as the members of BB...
and it is an event that many BB members await to see the GB members...XP

Friday, March 4, 2011


exam had just over...
but it is just the 1st term...oh my...
nothing much to comment bout my exam...
math...have been making careless mistakes in this subject...
english...pretty weak at writing summary...
bm and sejarah...always the weakest among all my subjects...
science subjects...still okay with them...
coz got tuitions...

as in BB...
lotsa things come and go...
problems with very few recruits suddenly solved...
movie day...done...thanks to zhen you's effort and his attitude of not giving up easily...
outing...still working on it...but we(the committee) got the confident...
climbathon...still getting participant ...
and notes* time has change to 8am start race...
7am is registering...please spread...
enrolment this month...
promotion...working on it...guys...buck up...!!!