Friday, March 4, 2011


exam had just over...
but it is just the 1st term...oh my...
nothing much to comment bout my exam...
math...have been making careless mistakes in this subject...
english...pretty weak at writing summary...
bm and sejarah...always the weakest among all my subjects...
science subjects...still okay with them...
coz got tuitions...

as in BB...
lotsa things come and go...
problems with very few recruits suddenly solved...
movie day...done...thanks to zhen you's effort and his attitude of not giving up easily...
outing...still working on it...but we(the committee) got the confident...
climbathon...still getting participant ...
and notes* time has change to 8am start race...
7am is registering...please spread...
enrolment this month...
promotion...working on it...guys...buck up...!!!

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