Tuesday, January 3, 2012


The mountain there is an active VOLCANO!!


Kopi Musang or Kopi Luak..it cost 25,000...rp

Rice with BABI guling

temple on the cliff

tea time with such a nice view

Sprite, pisang goreng and pancake

last dinner before going to airport

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


It is holiday...
but as usual...
before holiday starts, we wanted holiday so much...
when it is holiday, we feel like nothing to do...
today there was a competition organised by my school's basketball club...
before this i planned to join...
but in the end, i did not because can't find enough member...
heard that it was totally chaos between 2 teams...
argue...fight almost occur...
but luckily no fighting occurs...
what's the big deal here...
just a game...
what makes you needed to fight and argue...
just don't understand bout them...

my neighbour's (kevin) doggy passed away this afternoon...
you know what...?
the dog died because of heart attack...LOL
not only human will get heart attack even dog can get it...
kevin's brother looks tough everytime i see him...
but today i heard from my mom that he cried because the dog...
i feel sad too because i know the dog since when i'm standard 4...
if counting this year is already the 8th year...
longer than some of my friend now...

for my exam...
did not turn out good...
just as average....=(
i think that's all for this post...
stay tune for next post la...~

Monday, May 16, 2011

Almost over!!!

Exam is going to end soon...
just 1 more day to go...
i think i gonna flunk my sejarah and bio again...
even i read it as much as i can...
but still...
i cant manage to answer the question...

throughout this 2 weeks...
a lot of things going through my mind...
exams' worry, BB stuff, my future career...
for exam...
nothing much to be explain...
coz i'm tired of "explain your answer" , "terangkan", "jelaskan", "state the reason"...

as for BB...
is going to an end...
as a senior member of FICOM...
i feel like i'm not doing enough for it...
my committees are not playing their role well...
NCOs not showing good examples...
sometimes, before i am asleep, lying on my bed...
lots of things come to mind...
things that i wanted to accomplish for this year :-
1)president's badge
2)a sergeant (maybe)
3)champion in sports day
4)maintain the quality and increase the quantity of our members
5)lead the next badge of committee to better plannings and problem solving
there's much to be mention actually...

as for my career...
i have been thinking of taking engineering...
but i am not sure which type of engineering...
i was suggest by my sister to take aircraft mechanical...
i will be okay for me also...
so for my conclusion...
i will either take aircraft engineering or aircraft mechanical...=)

Friday, April 15, 2011

song of my life

Pretty Boy was the song before...
But now this is the song that can really tell what i think...

Now That She's Gone by JJ Lin

Girl you know I miss you so
I didn't know you had to go
You've had enough of our distance baby
Before I had the chance to say
I'm staying with you
For the rest of my life

Don't keep telling me these words
You don't know how much it hurts
And I'll promise you eternity
If you promise me your stay
But now it's too late
I'm no longer the man that I was

I will go on without her
Like a fool who's too sure
I'm like a bird who's lost her wing
A fire without its flame
I don't know how to be strong
When my love has to move on
I am a song without a soul
Now that she's gone
What's left of us is this song

Don't keep telling me these words
You don't know how much it hurts
And I'll promise you eternity
If you promise me your stay
But now it's too late
I'm no longer the man that I was

I will go on without her
Like a fool who's too sure
I'm like a bird who's lost her wing
A fire without its flame
I don't know how to be strong
When my love has to move on
I am a song without a soul
Now that she's gone
What's left of us is this song
Oh yeah I know I don't know
Baby I am know I'm a foul

And I will go on without her
Like a fool who's too sure
I'm like a bird who's lost her wing
A fire without its flame
I don't know how to be strong
When my love has to move on
I am a song without a soul
Now that she's gone
What's left of us is this song

This is our song without a soul
Now that you're gone
What's left of us in this song

Friday, April 1, 2011

last weekend

last Friday was the HIGH PRAISE
it went through very smoothly
and everyone enjoyed themselves especially those songs that makes us jump around
after the event we went over to have our supper
it is more to 'yum cha' then supper actually
not forget to mention
saw quite many people from my school most probably because it was organised by my school's CF society
but most suprisingly that it was, i saw fernie
she din get to see me
i think it was because she can't recognise me
back to the agenda on that day
after yum cha we walked back to MYC
coz we are staying overnight due to CLIMBATHON will be held on the next day

on the day of CLIMBATHON
we were given a bun each person
the weather on that day was not that good
was drizzling but the event continues
on the way up the rain stops but once we were going back down the rain stomps again
i manage to be the 8th in my category consider not bad due to my size
short and fat =(
then everybody that manage to complete the race get a bag of goodies which include:
-chocolate bar
-a packet of drinks
once we were back to MYC
we had a practice with the GB and BB 6th Ipoh company
for the march in because the ENROLMENT SUNDAY is on the sunday

okay now
on the day of ENROLMENT SUNDAY
it went through well
just that we (me, edwin, chun yang & kendrick) were very nervous for the march in
after the ENROLMENT we went back to MYC to have our own photography session with the red sash
normally is only for sergeants to wear it but we were the fake sergeant on that day just to fulfill the requirement for the march in
so here are the photos edwin was replaced by zhen you because edwin went back early on that day

nice butt

Monday, March 21, 2011

more to come

finally the orientation camp had just over...
edwin and i planned to skipped skul on the first day of school reopening...
it is a very relaxing camp...
if it were to compare with BNTS, ANTS and Drill camp....
during the camp lots of things happen...
first night dinner was weird if people heard of it that we went out to a GP food court to have our dinner during a CAMP...
then on the last day...
for the breakfast in our camp...
we planned on roti canai for our campers...
so at midnight, few of us committee went out to mamak to order roti...
just before we order we spent some time to have our supper since it was not included in our camp...XD
THEN, it was the first time i see Mr. K to scold someone...

THIS friday there will be HIGH PRAISE at ELIM CHURCH...
the day after it was CLIMBATHON, an event organise by BB(Boys' Brigade)...
then on the next day of it...
A ceremony to officially clarify the new members as the members of BB...
and it is an event that many BB members await to see the GB members...XP