Monday, May 16, 2011

Almost over!!!

Exam is going to end soon...
just 1 more day to go...
i think i gonna flunk my sejarah and bio again...
even i read it as much as i can...
but still...
i cant manage to answer the question...

throughout this 2 weeks...
a lot of things going through my mind...
exams' worry, BB stuff, my future career...
for exam...
nothing much to be explain...
coz i'm tired of "explain your answer" , "terangkan", "jelaskan", "state the reason"...

as for BB...
is going to an end...
as a senior member of FICOM...
i feel like i'm not doing enough for it...
my committees are not playing their role well...
NCOs not showing good examples...
sometimes, before i am asleep, lying on my bed...
lots of things come to mind...
things that i wanted to accomplish for this year :-
1)president's badge
2)a sergeant (maybe)
3)champion in sports day
4)maintain the quality and increase the quantity of our members
5)lead the next badge of committee to better plannings and problem solving
there's much to be mention actually...

as for my career...
i have been thinking of taking engineering...
but i am not sure which type of engineering...
i was suggest by my sister to take aircraft mechanical...
i will be okay for me also...
so for my conclusion...
i will either take aircraft engineering or aircraft mechanical...=)

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