Tuesday, May 31, 2011


It is holiday...
but as usual...
before holiday starts, we wanted holiday so much...
when it is holiday, we feel like nothing to do...
today there was a competition organised by my school's basketball club...
before this i planned to join...
but in the end, i did not because can't find enough member...
heard that it was totally chaos between 2 teams...
argue...fight almost occur...
but luckily no fighting occurs...
what's the big deal here...
just a game...
what makes you needed to fight and argue...
just don't understand bout them...

my neighbour's (kevin) doggy passed away this afternoon...
you know what...?
the dog died because of heart attack...LOL
not only human will get heart attack even dog can get it...
kevin's brother looks tough everytime i see him...
but today i heard from my mom that he cried because the dog...
i feel sad too because i know the dog since when i'm standard 4...
if counting this year is already the 8th year...
longer than some of my friend now...

for my exam...
did not turn out good...
just as average....=(
i think that's all for this post...
stay tune for next post la...~

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