Monday, April 26, 2010


exam is will be on the 17th if no changes...n heard that form 6 gonna come in on the 10th...these few day...cant think of anything to blog...and im to tired to blog...haihz...exam coming need to study alr...cannot slack like i always does le...

as in skul...almost everyday in the same routine...listen to those teacher that we dun hate...other than those teacher we will be doing our things or maybe not concentrating but still we will be doing our homework de...this week no more ipod in class...haha...scared liao...dunwan to bring le...

ok now...when my ipod has been jailbreak...i've downloaded few games...playing it almost everynite...XD...n tried to download 1 gam name chaos rings but always fail...

黃鴻升 - 地球上最浪漫的一首歌...heard tis song very like it...but the mv was kinda boring le...jz a girl dancing ballet behind...when saw ballet think of 'her' also a...haiyo...i noe i shouldn't be thinking it though...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

blog again...

ntg much to talk bout le...erm...tuesday nite..had a conflict wit my mui lu...the same old problem again...aikx...ok lets skip that...

then a...erm...quite moody le tis few days:-
  1. bout my jie
  2. bout my mui
  3. secret*
i think theres ntg for me to blog le...buhbye

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

time for blog

so now is bout 9 pm...i think ntg much will happen after lets talk bout tis morning...tis morning i was kinda lazy to wake up...until i am late..aikx...once reach damn tired le...feel like sleeping summore...during assembly...i saw sok wai n yee san...both of them r like WTH so dark alr...hahaxx... those assembly stuff me n eric lepak awhile 1st while waiting for reji for the rose thingy by buddhist club...then...went to bio lab...not concentrating on her...coz she was annoying all the time...n could not understand wat she teach from the 1st class till now...aikx...

me eric reji and thong seng were more attracted by the amc skul mag...haha...tons of essay...not like our skul's mag...few pages alr consider during lesson...eric was showing his knowledge bout amc that he knows...for example...wat class till wat class wat type of ppl...wat stream...etc...

ok after the bio...we went back to class lu...but ku wai hong n jacky not yet read the we read again...while i do the chemistry report while listen to wat they commented on few girls...haha...2 period were no teacher like we expected...meor got cases...

then ntg much to say bout in lets forward went to mcd...saw samuel n stephen...then back to tt...we keep on teasing eric wit the girl...haha...have a fun day...

but...i saw my jie's pic in the skul happy but so sad...she was pretty....but too skinny...should eat more...althought she dun reply my sms le...but i will still sms her de...hope to change her mind wit my patience or maybe she will think that im annoying...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Awards camp

the camp okok le....very exhausted after camp...aikx...1st day got to noe my group members more le...till now i still can rmb their names de...for example:-
-kevin kok (ldr)
-low wai hoe
-cheong ka zhi
-cheng eu shawn
-chan zi jian
-chan wen kang
-john yeam
-ku wai yin
-samuel kong (advisor)
they r quite frenly de...for the 1st nite for the 'fun night' we won 1st...we r very happy wit it...we jog all the way from the starting till the end of the game...but they din even say they wanna rest...proud of them...

on the second day we had our so-called 'the amazing race' we had out journey from myc -> KTM -> Ipoh padang -> super kinta -> Dr park -> NASMIR park -> kinta heights -> MYC....luckily our last station is there so that we could get ourself a packet of ice coffee...hehexx...XD...happily and safely on our way back..

for the last day...we went to teluk batik for the environmental conservation project...alots of malay n indian there...1st we rush to get our poster done...then we had to divide our work to get signature for the poster, survey and collecting 1 kg rubbish... for the pic need to wait...XD

throughout the whole camp...we had watch 4 movies...for me is 3 coz i was asleep during the 4th movie...g-force, ninja, clash of titans and 2012...

for the safety theory test will be postpone...most probably will be held on the nex be ready...


Friday, April 16, 2010


2moro camp lo...committee rush like hell...aikx...1st time went to tesco but jz for surveying the price...haha...1st time get hold of RM2745...WOW...!!! big amount of money...XD...

skul ntg special 2day...still the same...but din ponteng guai hor...? XD...perasan*

at nite time no mood again.,.dunno y...aikx...gonna pack for camp le...thats all...buhbye...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

lucky day...

haha...ponteng alot yesterday actually...coz i blog too late...1st of all happy bday to Amanda...then...early wishes to...the twins of BB...i jz noe it 1 hour back...from sok wai jiejie...XD...

1st of all...i ponteng 3 times yesterday...haha...1st was when Reji said that got girls...then he dare me to go down wit him to c who is it...then i said ok lo...since u dare me...i go lo...XD...then the eric lum oso follow...

then during rehat...went to audi 1 act...but the door was closed so we went to form 6...n say yee san n sok wai reading news paper we hang around there for 15 minutes to jz look at the sports section of the newspaper...-_-|||

then the 3rd we went down to c scouts practicing for the competition...both of me n reji...representitive from BB n Kadet commented on them...then...suddenly Siva n Meor came...lucky he suspect indian to be ponteng oni...chinese r not question at all...haha...

thats y i feel that im that lucky...hehe...thats all...XD...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

no mood...

2day...NO MOOD...dunno y skul no mood oso same...jz use my fastest speed to do all things that need then straight away go to sleep...i mean in class n usual...went out in the evening to play basketball...nothing much...jz shoot few times...then play so call shoot ' gak zai '...then come back home play computer games awhile coz timothy come to my house for awhile...then my dad fetch him go home...but jz very near...then had my dinner at 8.30p.m....damn late...n im blogging now...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


wat had happen to my jie...y she become like tis sad hard to get her back...but shes like very diff from last time...i dunno how to say...aikx...maybe is my fault...hope that she will be ok in the end...i dun wanna lose her...

2day at skul quite ok le...ntg much...jz that the camp need some place is skul...permission letter signed by manoo but cheng refuse to sign...he was in bad mood maybe...aikx...force to use the compound outside of the skul now...=_=|||

Monday, April 12, 2010

2nd of the day

i'm hapi...y...? coz i finally got back a reply from my long lost contact jie...althought she was like diff from last time...but i am still happy to get her back into my life...i din tot she will reply me when i sms her 2day...i tot that she dunwan care bout me anymore...i think tis proves me wrong...but when i ask her y she din reply me since that time...she din answer me...but is ok...she is back is already a very happy thing for me...

the nex thing is...erm...getting problem with adding the cbox...maybe im dumb...cant get it done yet...waiting for sok wai jiejie to help me out...haha...back to skul 2day...feel regret when talking with my fren that din went to parade after pesta ria...coz of many personal reason...XD...

why this blog was created...

ok i will start with why...i have the mood to blog coz i feel like when i online there's ntg for me to do i jz started tis blog lu...i might not blog everyday....but i will try my best le...i use blog to express my feeling like others offensive ya...
i've think so long whether i shud make tis blog or not...? at last i've devided to do so...hope u guys enjoy reading my blog le...XD...n tis my 1st post...