Wednesday, April 21, 2010

time for blog

so now is bout 9 pm...i think ntg much will happen after lets talk bout tis morning...tis morning i was kinda lazy to wake up...until i am late..aikx...once reach damn tired le...feel like sleeping summore...during assembly...i saw sok wai n yee san...both of them r like WTH so dark alr...hahaxx... those assembly stuff me n eric lepak awhile 1st while waiting for reji for the rose thingy by buddhist club...then...went to bio lab...not concentrating on her...coz she was annoying all the time...n could not understand wat she teach from the 1st class till now...aikx...

me eric reji and thong seng were more attracted by the amc skul mag...haha...tons of essay...not like our skul's mag...few pages alr consider during lesson...eric was showing his knowledge bout amc that he knows...for example...wat class till wat class wat type of ppl...wat stream...etc...

ok after the bio...we went back to class lu...but ku wai hong n jacky not yet read the we read again...while i do the chemistry report while listen to wat they commented on few girls...haha...2 period were no teacher like we expected...meor got cases...

then ntg much to say bout in lets forward went to mcd...saw samuel n stephen...then back to tt...we keep on teasing eric wit the girl...haha...have a fun day...

but...i saw my jie's pic in the skul happy but so sad...she was pretty....but too skinny...should eat more...althought she dun reply my sms le...but i will still sms her de...hope to change her mind wit my patience or maybe she will think that im annoying...

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