Monday, April 26, 2010


exam is will be on the 17th if no changes...n heard that form 6 gonna come in on the 10th...these few day...cant think of anything to blog...and im to tired to blog...haihz...exam coming need to study alr...cannot slack like i always does le...

as in skul...almost everyday in the same routine...listen to those teacher that we dun hate...other than those teacher we will be doing our things or maybe not concentrating but still we will be doing our homework de...this week no more ipod in class...haha...scared liao...dunwan to bring le...

ok now...when my ipod has been jailbreak...i've downloaded few games...playing it almost everynite...XD...n tried to download 1 gam name chaos rings but always fail...

黃鴻升 - 地球上最浪漫的一首歌...heard tis song very like it...but the mv was kinda boring le...jz a girl dancing ballet behind...when saw ballet think of 'her' also a...haiyo...i noe i shouldn't be thinking it though...

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