Thursday, April 15, 2010

lucky day...

haha...ponteng alot yesterday actually...coz i blog too late...1st of all happy bday to Amanda...then...early wishes to...the twins of BB...i jz noe it 1 hour back...from sok wai jiejie...XD...

1st of all...i ponteng 3 times yesterday...haha...1st was when Reji said that got girls...then he dare me to go down wit him to c who is it...then i said ok lo...since u dare me...i go lo...XD...then the eric lum oso follow...

then during rehat...went to audi 1 act...but the door was closed so we went to form 6...n say yee san n sok wai reading news paper we hang around there for 15 minutes to jz look at the sports section of the newspaper...-_-|||

then the 3rd we went down to c scouts practicing for the competition...both of me n reji...representitive from BB n Kadet commented on them...then...suddenly Siva n Meor came...lucky he suspect indian to be ponteng oni...chinese r not question at all...haha...

thats y i feel that im that lucky...hehe...thats all...XD...

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